Charity of the Year 2016
I am pleased to announce that my chosen Charity of the Year is Brighter Futures, the name of the Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Fund. I chose this charity for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, I have a close affinity to Great Western Hospital (GWH) as both my parents were in the medical profession and both worked at the old Princess Margaret Hospital in days gone by. I very much view GWH as a continuation of the great work carried out by our local Doctors, nurses and all staff who work there.
Secondly, I recognise how much the charity does to support and supplement the care given at GWH and I would like to be able to contribute to the charity to enable it to carry on with its many projects. For example, Brighter Futures currently has a Radiotherapy Appeal whereby they are fundraising in order to equip the new Radiotherapy Centre in Swindon with two linear Accelerators – the vital equipment needed to deliver the radiotherapy treatments.
As a start I am offering a discount of 25% off my standard fees for simple straightforward Wills to all staff that work at GWH and patients who are treated under Brighter Future’s specific care. It’s a small step but one that I hope will be of some small assistance to those people involved.
Everyone knows that they should have a Will in place but a recent surveys show that as many as 70% of adults in the UK still don’t have a Will written. If you do not have a Will in place, you cannot ensure your loved ones are taken care of and you will be leaving things to chance.
Wills can ensure you have guardians appointed for children for example. They can also ensure children from a previous relationship inherit or that the person you are co-habiting with, will receive an inheritance. I am happy to come and visit you at your home, place of work, hospital, residential care home or hospice. I know that writing a Will can seem quite daunting and my aim is to make the process as pain free as possible.

If you would like to take up this offer, please contact me on 07538 946 839 or by email at for detailed information and terms and conditions.
For more information on Brighter Futures and the work it carries out, please click the link below.