Photo of two people exchanging a christmas gift

A Christmas Gift for You

A Christmas Gift for You   Sixty-one years ago, Phil Spector released an album that went on to become a pop-music classic: A Christmas Gift for You. But in this blog I want to talk about a different Christmas gift for you: your Will. You’ve surely got enough socks? And air fryers are so last […]

an elderly mother with a walking stick holding onto her daughter whilst walking through a hospital

The Two Types of Lasting Power of Attorney

The Two Types of Lasting Power of Attorney If you’ve not yet got around to sorting out your Lasting Power of Attorney now is as good a time as any. And I’m here to guide you through it all. Did you know, for instance, that there are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? […]

an elderly mother with a walking stick holding onto her daughter whilst walking through a hospital

I’ve got a Lasting Power of Attorney. Do I Need a Living Will Too?

I’ve got a Lasting Power of Attorney. Do I Need a Living Will Too? Before we look at the question of whether you need a Living Will as well as a Lasting Power of Attorney, let’s have a look at what characterises the two things. A Living Will, or Advanced Decision, let’s you say no […]

Fireworks at New Year

What is a resolution?

The dictionary defines the word ‘resolution’ as: a firm decision to do or not to do something. Now, since Covid 19 onwards, my Will writing business has kept me well-occupied. Even so, this country still has something in the region of 30 million adults with no Will in place. Now I’m neither suggesting nor supposing […]