an elderly mother with a walking stick holding onto her daughter whilst walking through a hospital

I’ve got a Lasting Power of Attorney. Do I Need a Living Will Too?

I’ve got a Lasting Power of Attorney. Do I Need a Living Will Too? Before we look at the question of whether you need a Living Will as well as a Lasting Power of Attorney, let’s have a look at what characterises the two things. A Living Will, or Advanced Decision, let’s you say no […]

Fireworks at New Year

What is a resolution?

The dictionary defines the word ‘resolution’ as: a firm decision to do or not to do something. Now, since Covid 19 onwards, my Will writing business has kept me well-occupied. Even so, this country still has something in the region of 30 million adults with no Will in place. Now I’m neither suggesting nor supposing […]

Book Review

A Good Life

In this blog I look at end of life care and quality of life.